The Reluctant Twilighter

I can't believe I have a Twilight blog…

True Love Waits October 19, 2009

Tonight is a momentous night.  Right about this time, exactly one month from today, we’ll all be waiting around various theaters across the world, waiting for the biggest moment of our lives.  And to mark this night, I have decided to cut myself off from any more New Moon footage from now on.  If I haven’t seen it already, I’m not watchin’ it.  Seriously.  This is it.

This includes the footage to be shown on the Scream Awards (airing October 27th) featuring the wolf pack.  Footage that apparently contains improved, “more realistic” wolves.  The same footage that was featured on Entertainment Tonight this evening.  The same footage that you can download on iTunes for free RIGHT NOW.  I would love nothing more than to pull up iTunes and watch these fancypants CGI wolves at this very moment.  I downloaded the clip already, it’s ready to go.  I was about to watch it, and then I realized something.  Watching these scenes will be so much more awesome if I’m seeing them for the first time in the theater.  On the BIG screen.  I’m sure these wolves would be pretty sweet on any screen no matter what size… but I want to be dazzled.


My anticipation for midnight November 19th IS. GROWING. BY. THE. MINUTE.  The temptation is so high to just go and find every little clip and picture I can.  But I must be strong!  I know the payoff will be high.  I already feel like I’ve seen so much at this point.  Summit has been so kind to show us Bella’s birthday (inlcuding Jasper’s new, yet still ridiculous wig), motorcycles, new creepy Laurent, cliff-diving, shirtless Jacob, hell, they’ve even shown us shirtless Edward!!!  (The most highly-anticipated in the movie for sure.  Well, by me at least.)  I just want to save something for the big day.  For my big day.  I’m doing the right thing.  Right guys?  RIGHT?!?!

Now, I don’t want anyone reading this to think that they have to follow me in this.  I will not judge you.  This is a personal choice that I’m making for me, you all do as you see fit.  Chacun a son gout. (“To each his own” in French.  I know, fancy, right?)  Go ahead, right now, and check out those wolves.  Here’s the link. Let me know what you think.  If I can’t watch it myself, I can at least hear all about it!  Apparently Bella kicks some Quileute ass.


And so,  believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my reader(s), Stephenie Meyer, Chris Weitz, Kristen Stewart, Moon and UC, Johnny Flynn (because he cares), and Edward Cullen (duh, because he’s the biggest supporter of True Love Waits ever) to a month of purity including New Moon abstinence from this day until the day I enter into the Cinebarre on November 19th.

On a completely different note, I reached 500 hits today!  I know that’s not really a lot compared to a lot of blogs out there, but it’s strange for me.  As someone who previously kept her Twilight thoughts to herself, it’s a big deal.  Of course I do realize that if I hadn’t written about Kristen that one time, so long ago, I wouldn’t be anywhere near 500, but whatever.  I’ll take what I can get.  The searches for her are at least getting nicer. Mostly just “Kristen Stewart,” instead of “Kristen Stewart is not nice.”  Maybe the world of Twilighters is starting to take the hint.  So we’re all in agreement?  We’re cool with Kristen?  Okay then.  I think this calls for a big, giant, Kstew lovefest.  I can’t think of a better way to celebrate 500 views, can you?

Come back soon for Kstew Lovefest!!


Twilight in the Workplace June 24, 2009

Hello again!  Sorry for the long time between posts, it’s been an unusually rough week at work.  Amidst all the hustle and bustle though, Twilight still crept its way into the workplace over and over.  On my drive home today I was struck with the realization of how often Twilight and Twilight-related subjects are discussed, even in a busy doctor’s office. 


A good friend came to stay at my house for a night this weekend.  Within the first five minutes of her arrival, I confessed to her that I had started a Twilight blog.  She still wanted to be my friend, so we went out to dinner.  While we were waiting to be called to our table, we went to the bookstore next door.  We laughed at the amusing Twilight merchandise.  We spent the majority of dinner discussing Twilight (very philosophical stuff, I assure you.)  After coming home for the night, we then watched some of the extras on the Twilight DVD.  I actually made my mom drive over to give me back my copy so we could watch it.  My point is, all of this seems perfectly normal to me.  This is where I expect Twilight to show up in my life.  But at work?  Really?  Let me explain what I’m talking about…


-3 different people rushed into my office this week on seperate occasions to ask me about the Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart rumors.  “But I saw the cover of OK! magazine!  They said it’s official!!”  “Don’t believe any of that.   There have been no official announcements.  I will announce to you if they actually announce anything, I promise.”  (For some reason these magazines have not looked up the definition of official.  I think they’re confused about what exactly it means.) 


-My boss needed to borrow Eclipse because she’s reading the series again.  That led to a discussion of which books were our favorites, which led to her explaining she liked the ones that have more Quileute interactions, which led to me glaring at her saying, “Oh yeah, I forgot.  You’re Team Jacob.”  (She’s dead to me now.)


-The clinice nurse needed to borrow my copy of New Moon because her mom is almost finished with Twilight.  Let me point out that her mother is an elderly Armenian woman.   I think that’s funny. 


-One of our doctors told me that she was watching “one of those entertainment news shows” and they had a feature discussing how Twilight has influenced fashion.  She saw the styles and immediately thought they all looked like me!  (I took it as a compliment, but I’m not sure if she meant it to be one.)


-A different doctor recently went on vacation and brought back a box of those Sweethearts with the Twilight sayings on them for me.  She’s never read Twilight, but she saw the picture of Edward on the box and “just had to get them for me.”  Which was so sweet of her, because I would never, EVER walk up to a counter with a box of Twilight Sweethearts.  That’s just too embarrassing for words.  I can’t imagine the look she must of gotten from the cashier; a successful, intelligent,  middle-aged woman buying candy with a picture of a sexy vampire on the box.  Ha!


-Every once in awhile we’ll get a patient who walks through our doors with one of the books (or a Forks shirt) and I just about go crazy.  Somehow I manage NOT to jump over the counter and squeal at them like a little girl, but the temptation is definitely there.  Instead I run through the halls, squealing to anyone that will listen, “Guys!  Guys!  Did you see!?!?!  Did you see that girl who had an Edward Cullen totebag?!?!  Did anyone ask her which book is her favorite??”


-The Monday after the MTV Movie Awards aired the New Moon trailer, there were quite a few people who either didn’t realize a trailer was going to be shown or had forgotten.  Either way, they hadn’t seen it yet and I ended up reenacting the trailer for them in the break room quite a few times throughout the week.  I don’t want to brag, but I must say I got pretty good at it.


-It is understood throughout the clinic that when “my boyfriend” is discussed, we’re talking about Rob.  Even the losers who haven’t jumped on the bandwagon (yet) know.  They’ve been thoroughly educated on this matter.  “Oh, I saw your boyfriend on TV last night…”  I love it.


In all seriousness, I think Twilight has actually helped us to become a closer group of coworkers, and I’m forever grateful to Stephenie Meyer for that.  There are people at work that I didn’t think I really had anything in common with, but now I can gush over Edward or discuss imprinting with them.  I’m so happy that I don’t have to leave my obsession at home when I come to work every day!  


Speaking of work, it’s going to be another hectic day tomorrow, full of Robsten debates and New Moon countdowns (oh, and helping patients I suppose) so I must head for bed now.  Thanks for visiting!!