The Reluctant Twilighter

I can't believe I have a Twilight blog…

Really? September 6, 2009

Here's one...

Here's one...

I’ve been noticing an interesting trend happening on my little blog.  In the last two and a half months, I’ve posted 17 or 18 times, but by FAR the most popular is the one I wrote about Kristen Stewart.  WordPress allows me to see which posts are the most popular, and this one takes the cake.  Every day I get hits on this post, even today!  Yesterday’s total was 11.  That’s odd, considering it’s over two months old.   If I had to guess, I would think that a post about Rob would be more popular, but apparently I don’t know anything about what the Twihards are interested in.

Another feature of WordPress that I personally enjoy is that you can see exactly what phrases are searched that lead to hits.  The girls over at LTT share theirs with people every once in awhile, always resulting in a hilarious post.  And I have to say, sometimes the ones on mine can be pretty funny:

Here's two...

Here's two...

“Kristen Stewart odd behaviour”

“Kristen Stewart is not nice”

“Kristen Stewart arrogant”

“Kristen Steward”

“reluctant it girl Kristen Stewart”

“every pair of converse that Kristen Stewart owns”

“mtv podium”



I’m sure I’ve probably Googled some funny things in my life, especially taken out of context, but really?  Who is searching for “Kristen Stewart is not nice” on the internet?  I’m betting it’s a bitter preteen girl who is not happy about the latest Robsten rumor and is trying to justify her hatred of poor Kristen by finding some example of her being “not nice.”  Hopefully once these people read that post, they have a change of heart, because if you recall, I believe I solidly proved that Kristen Stewart IS nice.  These people better be switching over to Team Kristen…I think I might actually be single-handedly converting every Kristen-hater on the planet.

This leads me to believe that maybe I’m going about this blog all wrong.  That’s why I’ve decided to change the focus from all things Twilight-related to ONLY Kristen Stewart-related subjects.  Any news, gossip, appearances, paparazzi photos, etc will be found here for your reading pleasure…okay…maybe not.  I like Kristen, but not that much.  For now I will continue on with a wide variety of subjects, some involving Kstew and some not.  But just for the sake of getting more readers, don’t be surprised if throughout my posts from now on, you randomly find phrases like “every pair of converse that Kristen Stewart owns” inserted for no reason.  Just go with it.  : )

And four.

And four.

P.S. I spent a lot of time on Google today to find every pair of Converse that Kristen Stewart owns…grand total is….drumroll please….4.  4 pairs of Converse.  Now you know.


I’m No Hater: Kristen Stewart Edition June 29, 2009

"I'm really not an a-hole, I swear..."

"I'm really not an a-hole, I swear..."

Today I wanted to write something nice…in defense of our dear friend Kristen Stewart.  She gets a bad rap sometimes, and I am here to declare that I am, in fact, NOT a Kristen Stewart hater.  A lot of people I know are, for various reasons, but I’ve decided I’m not one of them.  At least not anymore…mere months ago I had the same feelings you might be feeling about her right now, but I’ve changed my mind and I’m asking you to give her a chance.  Let’s jump in, shall we?

(NOTE:  I decided the original draft that I wrote for this topic was not nice enough, so I had to kind of start over.  I hope my love for her comes across a little better this time around.)

I’m going to start with her acting, because that’s what she does for a living.  Or at least that’s what she’s getting paid for…oops, wait, I’m supposed to be nice here.  (Sorry Kristen, but this is the part of you that I’m still not sold on.)  I’ll admit I don’t have much to go on.  I saw Panic Room a long time ago, the only thing I remember about her is that she had short hair like a boy and asthma.  Obviously I’ve seen Twilight and I also saw Adventureland, and I’m sorry to say I’m just not impressed.  She’s always making that same face, the same f-ing, fluttering-eyelid face in every scene and it drives me nuts.  But let’s stop right there.  Really, is this her fault?  If she’s filming a scene and the director says, “Cut!  Perfect!  That was great, Kristen!” when it was, in fact, NOT AT ALL great, who is to blame?  I say the blame goes to the director.  (Catherine Hardwicke, I’m talking to you.)  I’m really hoping that now with Weitz in her corner, she hits it out of the park in New Moon.  It’s my favorite book and I would LOVE to see Kristen do an awesome job.  I have high hopes.  I’ll get back to you on that in November.

Moving on, next on our list of reasons people seem to dislike her is her extremely odd behaviour in any interview, public appearance, behind the scenes featurette, etc.  This was my major issue originally because I thought she was thinking she was better than everybody else, and I was not down with that.  But I think it’s just that her discomfort in interviews unfortunately often comes across as arrogance.  It’s amazing how feeling shy and awkward look exactly the same as bitchy, don’t you think?  For awhile I thought she was ungrateful, but the more I see of her, the more I’m convinced that she really is thankful for playing Bella and for the dedicated fans.  And let’s be honest, if you were in her position, do you think you’d be all poised and confident?  I sure know I wouldn’t.  If anything, it’s kind of a relief to see her (and Rob, by the way) not really sure what to do with all this fame.   If you think about it, being completely comfortable with all this attention from the media and those wacky fans would be SO weird.  I know she doesn’t smile much, but I really think most of the time she’s just kind of in a bewildered sort-of daze.  Also remember that she’s only nineteen!  This is a lot to take in at her age.

Of course my favorite awkward-Kristen moment is at the recent 2009 MTVkristen-at-podium Movie Awards.  This was the turning point for me. She wins Best Female Performance, give a touchingly gracious speech, and then is so overwhelmed with gratitude that she DROPS HER GOLDEN POPCORN!!!  So. awesome.  But the best part comes next, when she says, “So I was just about as awkward as you  thought I was going to be!  Bye!”  And then runs off stage.  You guys, she knows!  She’s in on it!  She understands that we all think she’s a weirdo!  That makes it all okay!  Poor girl.  I wore a pair of Converse with a dress that next day as a sign of solidarity.  (BTW,  if wearing Chuck Taylors with dresses is wrong then I don’t want to be right.  I’m just saying…)

I’m not going to talk about any of the druggie pictures, you can make up your own minds about that.  And I’m not going to talk about all the “Rob and Kristen are in love” rumors either.  If that’s really true and that’s what he wants, then so be it.  (But for the record,  I don’t think it’s true.)  So why else do I love Kristen Stewart, you ask?  Well, here’s a couple more reasons:

Look at how pretty she is!

Look at how pretty she is!

I LOVE her style.  She’s young, she takes risks, and I like it. Her dress at the Twilight premiere was beautiful.  I’m pretty impressed with her choices at every premiere or event.  (I just went to Google and did an image search of  “Kristen Stewart fashion” just to make sure that last statement was really true.  It is.  Oh, and PS, amongst these pictures I saw a few of her smiling.  So there.)

I also really enjoyed her contributions to the commentary on the Twilight dvd.  Once I learned how to tune out Catherine’s whining, I found Kristen very charming.  She was joking, laughing, embarrassed at herself, making fun of Rob…not at all like the person I thought she was.  I think this is one of the few times we get a chance to see (or hear, I guess) what she’s really like.  When she’s not surrounded by cameras or screaming girls.

The point of these ramblings is to basically ask that if you are a Kristen-hater, take a minute or two and put yourself in her position.  It’s not easy being Bella, so try and give her a break.  I don’t think she’s the jerkface you may think she is.  And if you already love Kristen, well done!  I’m very happy to make the switch over to Team Kristen and I look forward to a long and happy life together with you all.  Once again, thanks for reading!

**This post is dedicated to one friend in particular, you know who you are, so I hope you were paying attention!

UPDATE:  I wrote this quite a long time ago, if you want my more updated opinion on Kristen, go here!


Twilight in the Workplace June 24, 2009

Hello again!  Sorry for the long time between posts, it’s been an unusually rough week at work.  Amidst all the hustle and bustle though, Twilight still crept its way into the workplace over and over.  On my drive home today I was struck with the realization of how often Twilight and Twilight-related subjects are discussed, even in a busy doctor’s office. 


A good friend came to stay at my house for a night this weekend.  Within the first five minutes of her arrival, I confessed to her that I had started a Twilight blog.  She still wanted to be my friend, so we went out to dinner.  While we were waiting to be called to our table, we went to the bookstore next door.  We laughed at the amusing Twilight merchandise.  We spent the majority of dinner discussing Twilight (very philosophical stuff, I assure you.)  After coming home for the night, we then watched some of the extras on the Twilight DVD.  I actually made my mom drive over to give me back my copy so we could watch it.  My point is, all of this seems perfectly normal to me.  This is where I expect Twilight to show up in my life.  But at work?  Really?  Let me explain what I’m talking about…


-3 different people rushed into my office this week on seperate occasions to ask me about the Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart rumors.  “But I saw the cover of OK! magazine!  They said it’s official!!”  “Don’t believe any of that.   There have been no official announcements.  I will announce to you if they actually announce anything, I promise.”  (For some reason these magazines have not looked up the definition of official.  I think they’re confused about what exactly it means.) 


-My boss needed to borrow Eclipse because she’s reading the series again.  That led to a discussion of which books were our favorites, which led to her explaining she liked the ones that have more Quileute interactions, which led to me glaring at her saying, “Oh yeah, I forgot.  You’re Team Jacob.”  (She’s dead to me now.)


-The clinice nurse needed to borrow my copy of New Moon because her mom is almost finished with Twilight.  Let me point out that her mother is an elderly Armenian woman.   I think that’s funny. 


-One of our doctors told me that she was watching “one of those entertainment news shows” and they had a feature discussing how Twilight has influenced fashion.  She saw the styles and immediately thought they all looked like me!  (I took it as a compliment, but I’m not sure if she meant it to be one.)


-A different doctor recently went on vacation and brought back a box of those Sweethearts with the Twilight sayings on them for me.  She’s never read Twilight, but she saw the picture of Edward on the box and “just had to get them for me.”  Which was so sweet of her, because I would never, EVER walk up to a counter with a box of Twilight Sweethearts.  That’s just too embarrassing for words.  I can’t imagine the look she must of gotten from the cashier; a successful, intelligent,  middle-aged woman buying candy with a picture of a sexy vampire on the box.  Ha!


-Every once in awhile we’ll get a patient who walks through our doors with one of the books (or a Forks shirt) and I just about go crazy.  Somehow I manage NOT to jump over the counter and squeal at them like a little girl, but the temptation is definitely there.  Instead I run through the halls, squealing to anyone that will listen, “Guys!  Guys!  Did you see!?!?!  Did you see that girl who had an Edward Cullen totebag?!?!  Did anyone ask her which book is her favorite??”


-The Monday after the MTV Movie Awards aired the New Moon trailer, there were quite a few people who either didn’t realize a trailer was going to be shown or had forgotten.  Either way, they hadn’t seen it yet and I ended up reenacting the trailer for them in the break room quite a few times throughout the week.  I don’t want to brag, but I must say I got pretty good at it.


-It is understood throughout the clinic that when “my boyfriend” is discussed, we’re talking about Rob.  Even the losers who haven’t jumped on the bandwagon (yet) know.  They’ve been thoroughly educated on this matter.  “Oh, I saw your boyfriend on TV last night…”  I love it.


In all seriousness, I think Twilight has actually helped us to become a closer group of coworkers, and I’m forever grateful to Stephenie Meyer for that.  There are people at work that I didn’t think I really had anything in common with, but now I can gush over Edward or discuss imprinting with them.  I’m so happy that I don’t have to leave my obsession at home when I come to work every day!  


Speaking of work, it’s going to be another hectic day tomorrow, full of Robsten debates and New Moon countdowns (oh, and helping patients I suppose) so I must head for bed now.  Thanks for visiting!!