The Reluctant Twilighter

I can't believe I have a Twilight blog…

True Love Waits October 19, 2009

Tonight is a momentous night.  Right about this time, exactly one month from today, we’ll all be waiting around various theaters across the world, waiting for the biggest moment of our lives.  And to mark this night, I have decided to cut myself off from any more New Moon footage from now on.  If I haven’t seen it already, I’m not watchin’ it.  Seriously.  This is it.

This includes the footage to be shown on the Scream Awards (airing October 27th) featuring the wolf pack.  Footage that apparently contains improved, “more realistic” wolves.  The same footage that was featured on Entertainment Tonight this evening.  The same footage that you can download on iTunes for free RIGHT NOW.  I would love nothing more than to pull up iTunes and watch these fancypants CGI wolves at this very moment.  I downloaded the clip already, it’s ready to go.  I was about to watch it, and then I realized something.  Watching these scenes will be so much more awesome if I’m seeing them for the first time in the theater.  On the BIG screen.  I’m sure these wolves would be pretty sweet on any screen no matter what size… but I want to be dazzled.


My anticipation for midnight November 19th IS. GROWING. BY. THE. MINUTE.  The temptation is so high to just go and find every little clip and picture I can.  But I must be strong!  I know the payoff will be high.  I already feel like I’ve seen so much at this point.  Summit has been so kind to show us Bella’s birthday (inlcuding Jasper’s new, yet still ridiculous wig), motorcycles, new creepy Laurent, cliff-diving, shirtless Jacob, hell, they’ve even shown us shirtless Edward!!!  (The most highly-anticipated in the movie for sure.  Well, by me at least.)  I just want to save something for the big day.  For my big day.  I’m doing the right thing.  Right guys?  RIGHT?!?!

Now, I don’t want anyone reading this to think that they have to follow me in this.  I will not judge you.  This is a personal choice that I’m making for me, you all do as you see fit.  Chacun a son gout. (“To each his own” in French.  I know, fancy, right?)  Go ahead, right now, and check out those wolves.  Here’s the link. Let me know what you think.  If I can’t watch it myself, I can at least hear all about it!  Apparently Bella kicks some Quileute ass.


And so,  believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my reader(s), Stephenie Meyer, Chris Weitz, Kristen Stewart, Moon and UC, Johnny Flynn (because he cares), and Edward Cullen (duh, because he’s the biggest supporter of True Love Waits ever) to a month of purity including New Moon abstinence from this day until the day I enter into the Cinebarre on November 19th.

On a completely different note, I reached 500 hits today!  I know that’s not really a lot compared to a lot of blogs out there, but it’s strange for me.  As someone who previously kept her Twilight thoughts to herself, it’s a big deal.  Of course I do realize that if I hadn’t written about Kristen that one time, so long ago, I wouldn’t be anywhere near 500, but whatever.  I’ll take what I can get.  The searches for her are at least getting nicer. Mostly just “Kristen Stewart,” instead of “Kristen Stewart is not nice.”  Maybe the world of Twilighters is starting to take the hint.  So we’re all in agreement?  We’re cool with Kristen?  Okay then.  I think this calls for a big, giant, Kstew lovefest.  I can’t think of a better way to celebrate 500 views, can you?

Come back soon for Kstew Lovefest!!


Really? September 6, 2009

Here's one...

Here's one...

I’ve been noticing an interesting trend happening on my little blog.  In the last two and a half months, I’ve posted 17 or 18 times, but by FAR the most popular is the one I wrote about Kristen Stewart.  WordPress allows me to see which posts are the most popular, and this one takes the cake.  Every day I get hits on this post, even today!  Yesterday’s total was 11.  That’s odd, considering it’s over two months old.   If I had to guess, I would think that a post about Rob would be more popular, but apparently I don’t know anything about what the Twihards are interested in.

Another feature of WordPress that I personally enjoy is that you can see exactly what phrases are searched that lead to hits.  The girls over at LTT share theirs with people every once in awhile, always resulting in a hilarious post.  And I have to say, sometimes the ones on mine can be pretty funny:

Here's two...

Here's two...

“Kristen Stewart odd behaviour”

“Kristen Stewart is not nice”

“Kristen Stewart arrogant”

“Kristen Steward”

“reluctant it girl Kristen Stewart”

“every pair of converse that Kristen Stewart owns”

“mtv podium”



I’m sure I’ve probably Googled some funny things in my life, especially taken out of context, but really?  Who is searching for “Kristen Stewart is not nice” on the internet?  I’m betting it’s a bitter preteen girl who is not happy about the latest Robsten rumor and is trying to justify her hatred of poor Kristen by finding some example of her being “not nice.”  Hopefully once these people read that post, they have a change of heart, because if you recall, I believe I solidly proved that Kristen Stewart IS nice.  These people better be switching over to Team Kristen…I think I might actually be single-handedly converting every Kristen-hater on the planet.

This leads me to believe that maybe I’m going about this blog all wrong.  That’s why I’ve decided to change the focus from all things Twilight-related to ONLY Kristen Stewart-related subjects.  Any news, gossip, appearances, paparazzi photos, etc will be found here for your reading pleasure…okay…maybe not.  I like Kristen, but not that much.  For now I will continue on with a wide variety of subjects, some involving Kstew and some not.  But just for the sake of getting more readers, don’t be surprised if throughout my posts from now on, you randomly find phrases like “every pair of converse that Kristen Stewart owns” inserted for no reason.  Just go with it.  : )

And four.

And four.

P.S. I spent a lot of time on Google today to find every pair of Converse that Kristen Stewart owns…grand total is….drumroll please….4.  4 pairs of Converse.  Now you know.


Off to Canada August 7, 2009

Filed under: Rob,Twilight — reluctanttwilighter @ 4:00 pm
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Well kids, I’m flying out to Edmonton tonight for a music festival this weekend to see the music love of my life, Johnny Flynn.  Tomorrow is sure to be the best day of my entire life. I’ve been waiting ten months for this.  I can’t stop smiling.  I could vomit with excitement at any moment.

I will give you a full report when I get back…this is Twilight related after all, he’s one of Rob’s super-talented friends!  How convenient.  Speaking of these super-talented friends, I will also be checking out Bobby Long on Monday night in Seattle, so I’ll let you know how that goes too.  I’m not expecting quite as an exciting evening as Moon (from LTT) had when she saw him in LA last night, but it should be good anyways.

Have a wonderful weekend, I’ll be back soon!


LTR Tribute:Rob=camping? August 2, 2009

As you may have heard, I went camping last weekend over on the Olympic Peninsula (yes, THAT Olympic Peninsula.)  As I was heading home, waiting in the 2-hour ferry line, I couldn’t help but wonder if our dear friend Robert Pattinson has ever enjoyed a bit of camping himself? I couldn’t really picture it, but then I realized I can’t really picture anyone British camping.  Why is that?  Do British people camp?

Anyways, I thought I would invite Rob to come camping with me.  And what better way to invite him than through a letter??  So this is going to be a tribute to my absolute FAVORITE Twilight-related (or anything-related, actually) website, Letters To Rob.  Wait, everyone knows the greatness of LTR, right?!?!  And Letters To Twilight?  Well if you don’t, stop right where you are, go check out their sites ( and and enjoy the amazingness of two hilarious girls that I admire so, so much.  Seriously, they kill me every day.  (But please come back once you’re done over there, they have a LOT more readers than I do and I can’t afford to lose any of you three.)  Okay, had your fill of LTR for today?  Well welcome back, and now please enjoy my letter to Rob/tribute to Moon and UC/camping invitation:

Dear Rob,

Do you want to come camping with me sometime?  Do you even like camping?  Have you ever been camping before?  Camping tends to be one of those recreational activities that people either love or hate.  So let’s look at some facts before you answer.



The biggest issue people who don’t like camping have with camping is that they don’t like getting dirty.  Showers are sometimes not ideal or even nonexistent.  The majority of the time your body is covered in a thin layer of dirt, bug spray, sunscreen, and possibly sweat too, depending on how active your camping activities are.  Camping clothes are also dirty.  They ALL smell of campfire smoke, somehow, inexplicably, even the ones you just pulled out of your duffel bag that you haven’t even worn yet.  But I think we all agree that none of this would be a problem for you.  You’re a dirty boy, we all know it.  I promise I will never ask you any questions about how often you wash your hair, but I do figure it’s a safe bet that you wouldn’t mind this part of camping.  No showers and dirty clothes?  Check and check.  Done and done.

As I mentioned above, there are a variety of activities that you can participate in while camping.  Some of these activities include:  Sitting around doing nothing.  (I think you could probably handle that.)  Reading. (Check.)  Drinking beers.  (Double-check.  I’ll make sure there’s a cooler full of Heineken just for you.)  Playing guitar by the fire.  (Well, if you insist…what’s that?  You want to sing as well?  Go right ahead, Rob.  Go right ahead.)  Walking through the woods.  (Who wouldn’t enjoy a leisurely walk through the woods?)  Mountain biking through the woods.  (Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Hold it right there.  That might be problem, I think.  Don’t worry, that activity is optional.  You can stay behind and guard the campsite from crows.)  There are also some activities involving you and me in a tent, but we can discuss those later.

I think that camping would be a good way for you to escape the creepy paparazzi and all of your adoring fans.  Although the campground I was at was FULL of the most annoying preteen girls, so we may have to go somewhere a little more secluded.  Which I’m okay with, by the way.  (Author’s note to preteen girls:  No offense, I don’t hate all of you, only the ones at my campground.  Seriously, why do you need to spend 18+ hours in the bathroom?  That’s not a cool place to hang out, ladies.  It’s gross in there.  Did you see the floor?  Now get your crap out of the sink so I can wash my hands.) A few days in the secluded wilderness would do you some good, wouldn’t you agree?  I think so.

Now camping food alone is reason enough to come along.  Hobo dinners are just about the best meal on the planet, I promise. And you will die when you take that first bite into the Smoreo that I make for you.  (Author’s note to anyone who has never had a Smoreo:  Stop reading right now and head directly to your nearest campfire.  On your way, grab some marshmallows and double-stuffed Oreos and then create some deliciousness like you have never experienced before.  Then come back here and thank me profusely for changing your life forever.)

Oh good!  I see you're already packed and ready to go.

Oh good! You're already packed and ready to go!

If you’re not quite convinced, just take a moment to close your eyes, picture yourself sitting in a nice comfy chair with a bottle in one hand, a Smoreo in the other, the warm fire crackling, stars up above you, and the sounds of Van Morrison playing softly (And I mean softly.  Quiet hours start at ten.) in the background.   Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Thought so.  I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.  Don’t worry about bringing a sleeping bag, I’ll bring one for the both of us.  Um, I mean I’ll bring one for each of us.  Wait, what?

Your friend,

The Reluctant Twilighter