The Reluctant Twilighter

I can't believe I have a Twilight blog…

This Just In: Twitter Edition October 15, 2009

Ha HA!  I told you I would be back soon!  While you’re reading today, please enjoy these recently-released New Moon pics!


So I’ve been paying more attention to Twitter lately.  I finally gave in and started following every single Twilight actor.  Everyone. Even little Boo Boo Stewart.  (I know, right?  Boo Boo?!?!?)  He’s the kid playing Seth Clearwater, and he’s super cute.  And apparently he’s all the rage amongst preteen girls, because he keeps tweeting about doing photoshoots for Bop and Tiger Beat.


You can learn a lot from Twitter.  For example, David Slade, director of Eclipse, is an avid user.  Most of the time he posts random pictures of sticks and leaves and grass.  Occasionally he’ll say something about the movie he’s making too.  Like this: “and so to bed dear readers, 6am call tomorrow, back into the fray after this brief weekend sabbatical. Snow and heartbreak begins in the am.”  Is he talking about the TENT SCENE!?!?!  Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh!


The biggest news from Twitter this week?  Simon Pegg is Team Jacob!  If you don’t know Simon Pegg is… well, then, I hate you.  No, no, not really.  Simon Pegg is a British actor/writer, responsible for movies like Shaun of the Dead (my all-time favorite movie of ALL TIME) and Hot Fuzz.  And he was in Star Trek.  I love him.  But he’s not someone I would expect to be reading these books.


Apparently I don’t know anything though, because he Twilight-tweeted nonstop for 24 hours.  Here’s what he had to say:


Note: This picture is NOT from New Moon.

Note: This picture is NOT from New Moon.

“Was bitten by a weregoat in Greece. No idea when I’ll change or what powers I will have. Intrigued!!”

“Wait, I think I changed last night. My sofa’s gone.”

“Read the Twilight books on hols. Really enjoyed them in a sort of ‘creepy old man reading delusional, horny, daughter’s diary’ way.”

“For a slightly more adult skewed werewolf novel, read Toby Barlow’s, Sharp Teeth. Utterly brilliant.

“I’m definitely team Jacob. I much rather have good abs and burst sneakers than liquid topaz eyes and a fear of hand jobs.”

“Oh come on, the Cullens are so up themselves. Pretentious much? You’re vamps for frick’s sake, drink human blood and stop crying! (help).”

“I just woke up naked, in a petting zoo in Buckinghamshire. Where the hell have I been since 3pm? Hey I’m verified! I’m so disoriented!”

“Yeah I definitely transformed into a goat. . I did a pooh and loads of partly digested literature came out. I think New Moon was in there.”

“I’m not being mean about New Moon. I simply said I may have eaten whilst in the form of a goat. I don’t hate. It ain’t my style.”

“Right, I’m going straight to bed, think I’m beyond a bath. Go Jacob!!”


Go Jacob?!?!?  Whaaaa???  Mr. Pegg, you disappoint me.  But I guess I should’ve known.  He’s a boy.  Most boys are Team Jacob, right?  Because they’re all jealous of Edward?  They don’t understand his emo sensitive ways?  That’s it.


In other Twilight news, the opening scene of Eclipse is going to be focused on Riley, Rob is still pretty much nowhere to be found, and Ashley Greene is going to be a bird for Halloween.  BIG TIME STUFF!  Thanks for stopping by!  I heart you all.


P.S. For all you Johnny Flynn fans out there (which is everyone in the world, right?), he’s got two new songs up on his myspace page. It’s fun!


Quick Recap September 14, 2009

Yesterday was a big day.  I would love to go into major detail right now, but I’m super-tired so here’s what I can say right now:

Fact: Kristen looked beautiful.   I loved her hair and her dress.

Fact: Ashley Greene also looked beautiful. I loved her hair and her dress too.

Fact: Everyone else I know thought Ashley looked beautiful too. I don’t know what the folks over at Entertainment Weekly were smoking when they put her on their worst dressed list… why E.W.? WHY?  Usually I’m on your side on everything, but not today.  YOU HAVE FAILED ME.

Fact: Muse kicked ass.  I can’t wait for the new album.

Fact: Beyonce wins MVP of the night. That girl’s got everything.

Fact: Watching the New Moon trailer on a big screen TV is way better than on my laptop. I got goosebumps either way.

Fact: Today is my sister’s birthday!!!   Happy Birthday Sister!!!  Thank you for being one of my 3 regular readers!

Fact: November 20th is TOO FAR AWAY!!!!

Be back soon!!


Big Time Stuff September 12, 2009

I remembered that this blog came about originally because I used to email a friend with all the latest and greatest Twilight news.  She was a busy lady, who still is, so I feel the need today to make sure everyone is well-informed on the events of this weekend.  Big time stuff coming up.

First, the Video Music Awards is airing on Sunday night on MTV.  This. is. big.  BIG! TIME! STUFF!  Ashley Greene will be fashion correspondent on the red carpet.  Muse will be performing a song from their new album.  (As we all know, Muse is one of Stephenie Meyer’s favorite bands who inspired her while she was writing the Twilight series.  Plus, they kick ass.)  Death Cab for Cutie will be premiering their song, “Meet Me On The Equinox” on  Why does this matter to me, you ask?  Because this song was written exclusively for the New Moon soundtrack!  These Northwest boys apparently LOVE Twilight…well, not really I don’t think.  But they were kind enough to help Chris Weitz out and make a song.  Looks like the entire soundtrack is going to be pretty awesome, I heard Bon Iver is contributing as well.  I can’t wait.  BTW, you can already pre-order the soundtrack.  Done and done.

Hometown Heroes!!

Hometown Heroes!!

Furthermore, on this same awards show, Rob, Kristen, and Taylor will be presenting a third New Moon trailer.  A trailer that leaked onto the internet today but was snatched up by Summit before I had a chance to watch it.  Now I want to take this time to talk to everyone about a situation that could possibly arise on Sunday night.  Last year, the VMA’s were hosted by a Mr. Russell Brand.  His hosting did not go over very well, both in the Twilight world and in the regular, non-Twilight one (does such a world exist?) as well.  This is because he made some not-so-nice jokes about the Jonas brothers and their purity rings, called George Bush a retarded cowboy, and much more devastating, interrupted the cast of Twilight while they were trying to introduce a performance by Paramore.  He jumped in with his crazy antics, completely cutting off Rob’s lines, not allowing him to speak at all.  Thus causing chaos in the Twilight world.  War was declared on poor Russell and I’m actually pretty surprised that they asked him to come back this year.  Pleasantly surprised, that is.  I love Russell Brand.  I think he is hilarious.  I read his book, it was really interesting.  I watched his comedy special, and I laughed HARD.  He has a great website with lots of funny videos and posts.  (JUST ADDED! Go check out his website! Today he posted a video today where he sings a little song to a picture of Rob!) Now, there is a possibility that Russell could F things up again, and I hope that if that happens you all can forgive him.  He really means well, he just has a problem controlling himself sometimes.  So give him a break, okay?  The best we can hope for is that they chain him up backstage when it’s time for the Twilight kids to do their thing.  At the very least, turn off his mic when the trailer starts.

Give him a chance.  He's actually quite nice.

Give him a chance. He's actually quite nice.

Another important event this weekend is Bella’s birthday, (Sunday, September 13th) which means Stephenie Meyer Day in Forks!  The real town of Forks has chosen this day each year to honor Stephenie and all the attention that her books have brought to their little town.  Exciting activities include: a tour of Forks High School, a character look-alike contest, a car-decorating contest, a bonfire at First Beach, and cake!!  WOOT!  WOOT!  Try not to go too crazy, kids.

Let's get this party started!

Let's get this party started!

Even if you can’t make it to Forks, at least do a little something for Bella on her birthday.  Sing a birthday song, eat a cupcake, whatever you gotta do.  The first time I ever went to Forks and La Push was a year ago, on the day after Stephenie Meyer Day.  The entire town was still decorated for Bella’s birthday.   Banners and balloons in every store window.  I was so embarrassed to be there and declared it the nerdiest thing I had ever done.  Little did I know that a year later I’d be doing this…

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the events of this weekend, I know for sure I will!