The Reluctant Twilighter

I can't believe I have a Twilight blog…

Big Time Stuff September 12, 2009

I remembered that this blog came about originally because I used to email a friend with all the latest and greatest Twilight news.  She was a busy lady, who still is, so I feel the need today to make sure everyone is well-informed on the events of this weekend.  Big time stuff coming up.

First, the Video Music Awards is airing on Sunday night on MTV.  This. is. big.  BIG! TIME! STUFF!  Ashley Greene will be fashion correspondent on the red carpet.  Muse will be performing a song from their new album.  (As we all know, Muse is one of Stephenie Meyer’s favorite bands who inspired her while she was writing the Twilight series.  Plus, they kick ass.)  Death Cab for Cutie will be premiering their song, “Meet Me On The Equinox” on  Why does this matter to me, you ask?  Because this song was written exclusively for the New Moon soundtrack!  These Northwest boys apparently LOVE Twilight…well, not really I don’t think.  But they were kind enough to help Chris Weitz out and make a song.  Looks like the entire soundtrack is going to be pretty awesome, I heard Bon Iver is contributing as well.  I can’t wait.  BTW, you can already pre-order the soundtrack.  Done and done.

Hometown Heroes!!

Hometown Heroes!!

Furthermore, on this same awards show, Rob, Kristen, and Taylor will be presenting a third New Moon trailer.  A trailer that leaked onto the internet today but was snatched up by Summit before I had a chance to watch it.  Now I want to take this time to talk to everyone about a situation that could possibly arise on Sunday night.  Last year, the VMA’s were hosted by a Mr. Russell Brand.  His hosting did not go over very well, both in the Twilight world and in the regular, non-Twilight one (does such a world exist?) as well.  This is because he made some not-so-nice jokes about the Jonas brothers and their purity rings, called George Bush a retarded cowboy, and much more devastating, interrupted the cast of Twilight while they were trying to introduce a performance by Paramore.  He jumped in with his crazy antics, completely cutting off Rob’s lines, not allowing him to speak at all.  Thus causing chaos in the Twilight world.  War was declared on poor Russell and I’m actually pretty surprised that they asked him to come back this year.  Pleasantly surprised, that is.  I love Russell Brand.  I think he is hilarious.  I read his book, it was really interesting.  I watched his comedy special, and I laughed HARD.  He has a great website with lots of funny videos and posts.  (JUST ADDED! Go check out his website! Today he posted a video today where he sings a little song to a picture of Rob!) Now, there is a possibility that Russell could F things up again, and I hope that if that happens you all can forgive him.  He really means well, he just has a problem controlling himself sometimes.  So give him a break, okay?  The best we can hope for is that they chain him up backstage when it’s time for the Twilight kids to do their thing.  At the very least, turn off his mic when the trailer starts.

Give him a chance.  He's actually quite nice.

Give him a chance. He's actually quite nice.

Another important event this weekend is Bella’s birthday, (Sunday, September 13th) which means Stephenie Meyer Day in Forks!  The real town of Forks has chosen this day each year to honor Stephenie and all the attention that her books have brought to their little town.  Exciting activities include: a tour of Forks High School, a character look-alike contest, a car-decorating contest, a bonfire at First Beach, and cake!!  WOOT!  WOOT!  Try not to go too crazy, kids.

Let's get this party started!

Let's get this party started!

Even if you can’t make it to Forks, at least do a little something for Bella on her birthday.  Sing a birthday song, eat a cupcake, whatever you gotta do.  The first time I ever went to Forks and La Push was a year ago, on the day after Stephenie Meyer Day.  The entire town was still decorated for Bella’s birthday.   Banners and balloons in every store window.  I was so embarrassed to be there and declared it the nerdiest thing I had ever done.  Little did I know that a year later I’d be doing this…

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the events of this weekend, I know for sure I will!


HP vs Twilight: The Final Battle July 27, 2009



When I was camping this weekend it started raining.  (Because I live in Washington and apparently it rains here.)  I spent the evening holed up in my tent with my dog, ignoring the laughter of my friends and family, instead choosing to pout about the weather.  While I was pouting, I also started reading Twilight for the first time in probably at least six months.  I realized that I had forgotten how much I loved Edward Cullen.  He really is great, isn’t he?  Anyways, last night when I got home and went to bed, I was hoping for an Edward dream, so I was trying to think about him as much as possible as I was drifting off to sleep.  When I woke up, however, I realized that I did NOT, in fact have an Edward dream.  Who was in my dream instead, you ask?  One of the freaking Jonas brothers! And not even one of the cute ones.  It was the ugly one.  You know which one, don’t make me say his name.  Let’s move on.

Today I’m wrapping up this Harry Potter vs. Twilight debate.  I believe at this point our score is Harry Potter 3, Twilight 1.  This last round is just an overall, which is better, which do I like better, etc. sort of category.  When I used to play soccer as a teenager, we would always end our practices with a scrimmage game.  When there was just a few minutes left of practice, my coach would declare, “Next goal wins!” no matter what the score was.  I know she was trying to motivate us to push ourselves just a little harder, but usually it just infuriated me.  I was always frustrated with the unfairness of it, even if my team won.  But apparently I’ve grown into a hypocrite, because that’s what I’m doing today.  Winner takes all in this one.  Next goal wins!

This is the hardest one to do (that’s what she said) because, like I said, I love them both dearly.  I’ve loved HP for a long, long, time and it hasn’t even been a year yet since I was first introduced to Twilight.  I have favorite characters in both series, favorite books in both series, favorite scenes that make me smile even right now as I think about them.  I think it’s pretty obvious which one I think is the more respectable of the two, (just look at the current score.)  The one that I’m proud to say I’m a fan of, the one that I don’t care who knows that I love with all my heart.  The other one…well, I will just say that sometimes I get a little embarrassed about loving it so much.

But here’s the thing: Not once, not ever, have I EVER had the tiniest inkling to start a blog about Harry Potter.  I don’t have a single HP website or blog that I follow.  I could probably only name one for sure that I know of.  And yet I have 7 different Twilight sites saved in my favorites at this very moment on my computer.  And 3 saved onto my computer at work!  Not to mention this little blog of my own that I still can’t believe I’m doing.

I’ve never seen any of the Harry Potter movies in the theater more than a few times, not even my favorite ones.  I think the most was maybe 4?  My theater viewings for Twilight reached into the teens this winter.  That’s right.  Wait, have I not mentioned this yet?  If I remember correctly, (which I do, I’m just stalling now because it’s so embarrassing) the final count was…13 times.  And I didn’t even think the movie was that good!  Sigh.  Not one of my proudest accomplishments, but it happened, and I’m learning to live with it.  Just don’t tell anyone.  Please.  Seriously.

There are also some…emotions that I experience while reading Twilight that I never felt in any of the HP books.  I definitely went through a lot with Harry Potter and all his little friends, for sure.  I’ve felt joy, pain, hatred, sorrow, triumph.  (I cried through the entire seventh book alone!)    But there was that other feeling, the one of being in love, that you just can’t get out of HP.  Rowling just doesn’t dive deep enough into those relationships to get to experience it.  Which is fine, I’m not criticizing.  It’s just something that Twilight has that HP doesn’t.  The giddiness that comes from reading the first book in the Twilight series, when Edward and Bella first find each other, you just can’t beat it.

So in the end, I think have to declare Twilight the final winner.  I have some friends (friends who know absolutely nothing of my site, I might add) that would kill me if they heard me say this.  But I think maybe it’s true, at least for now.  And even if it’s not, this is a Twilight blog, after all.  What kind of blogger would I be if I didn’t support the very series that I created this blog for?  A pretty lame one, I think.  TWILIGHT WINS!!!