The Reluctant Twilighter

I can't believe I have a Twilight blog…

Kristen Stewart Lovefest! November 7, 2009

Finally! I was feeling bad for taking so long on this Kstew Lovefest, but then all these articles came out this week which made me love her even more.  And THEN the press junket in LA came along last night and now there’s all sorts of interview videos out there that have only increased my love even more!  My Kstew love-tank is the fullest it’s ever been, therefore this is the perfect time to write all about how much I love her.  And this time around, I’m not saying a single mean thing.  Not one.  All love this time Kristen, I promise.  ALL. LOVE.


First, I want to share what her fellow cast members have been saying about her.  Vanity Fair has been releasing interviews from various cast members throughout the last couple of weeks, most of them ending with a “Describe the following people in one word” section.  Here are the words that Kristen’s peers chose for her:


Kellan Lutz: “Adventurous”

Peter Facinelli: “Sweet.”

Chaske Spencer: “Fighter.”

Kiowa Gordon: “Edgy.”

Alex Meraz: “Badass.”


Adventurous, sweet, fighter, edgy, and badass?  This sounds like my kind of girl!  In a recent video interview with Ben Lyons for E!, Billy Burke was asked whether or not he feels protective of little Kristen:  “No. She can handle herself.  I’m scared of her actually.”   Awesome.  And of course, we want to know what Rob has to say about her, right?  Right.  (Regardless of whether you are Team Robsten or Team Nonsten, you can’t deny that he probably knows her better than most.)  Some of my favorite quotes from him:


Look at those shoes!!


“Kristen doesn’t take any slack.  She sticks to her guns — and that’s difficult to do.”


“She’ll decide on someone a lot quicker. She has a lot more self-esteem than I do, so she’s like, ‘You’re an idiot and I don’t want to talk to you,’ and I’m like, ‘I’m an idiot too!’ So I’ll talk to an idiot for like three days before deciding.”  (Side note:  Hey Rob, if Kristen doesn’t talk to idiots, and she talks to you, then you couldn’t be an idiot, correct?  Except that I kind of feel like you’re an idiot for not realizing that.   J/K, idiot free!  No one is an idiot!  Unless, of course, Kristen says you are.)


“Kristen was very different from how I expected the girl who played Bella would be. I was kind of intimidated.”


“She’s a unique girl.  You really don’t meet many people like Kristen.”


When Rob talks about Kristen it makes me jealous that I’m not friends with her.  Lately I have had the extreme misfortune of dealing with some sensitive, passive-aggressive, fake-ass babies in the forms of grown women (coworkers), and Kristen sounds like the perfect antidote.